Dr. T.M. Thomas Issac inaugurated Dr. A Suhrut Kumar training block at Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram

Dr.A Suhrut Kumar Training block, a new extension of Paura Vidyabhyasa Kendra,   Karakulam was inaugurated on 31st of January 2023 by Dr.T.M Thomas Issac, former Finance Minister of the state. The meeting was presided by N.Jagjivan, Executive Director, Grameena Padana Kendra. Mr.B.Vijayan Nair gave the welcome speech. Joy Ilaman, Director General, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, delivered the presidential address followed by felicitation by Dr. D Suresh Kumar Hon’ble President of district panchayat. The programme concluded  in a good note with the vote of thanks by Veena P.S.

About Dr. Suhrut Kumar

Dr. A Suhrut Kumar, who was a teacher by profession has served as a teacher in various government law colleges across the state. He approached every situation with utmost sincerity and honesty and the persistence he showed for any such matter made him a role model to others. When teachers usually encourage students who are talented in academics or any other such skills, Dr. always stood for the ones who were left unnoticed. Rather than turning face against them, he was ready to go to any extent to help them find their problems and encourage them to reach greater heights in life. He was the voice of the unheard in every sense. He believed that a teacher should be ready to serve the society at its core and his life was nothing but an epitome for the same.

He played a greater role in popularising legal education and had done many speeches across the state to improve legal literacy among common man. He did everything he could for free of cost as he firmly believed that such things should be done selflessly .He had done his best to make people aware of the importance of democracy and the value of  human rights. He was rebellious against commercialising legal education as he believed that legal education is something that is meant for everyone and therefore had put his best effort to make government law colleges the best among the sector. For the same reasons and never give-up attitude, he had to face a lot of challenges in his professional life. He didn’t teach in any private college after his retirement and that is the true proof that he practiced what he preached.

He was such a simple man of words, a great teacher and a true human in every sense. He stood for truth and justice and lived his life to make society a better place to live for everyone. In short, he is nothing but one of a kind.