“Observance of constitution day” by district legal services authority and taluk legal services committee, Thiruvananthapuram

Every legal institution is an institution of justice .Promoting justice is the rule of entire legal system.Judges,Bar,Law students,Law teachers,Law colleges are part of judicial system and are obliged to promote justice“-

Dr.G.Mohan Gopal,
(Former Director, National Judicial Academy Bhopal and former Vice-Chancellor, National Law School, Bengaluru

Thiruvananthapuram: On Wednesday 26th of November, 2021 the District Legal Services Authority and Taluk Legal Services Committee, Thiruvananthapuram jointly organized Observance of Constitution Day at Justice Anna Chandy Memorial Auditorium, ADR Center, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The “Observance Of Constitutional day” was inaugurated by Hon’ble Justice C.S.Dias, Judge, High Court of Kerala through online platform.The entire programme was enlighten by his words of wisdom.In the proud occasion the key note address was given by Dr.G.Mohan Gopal,Former Director, National Law School, Bengaluru on the topic Role of District Bench And Bar In Protecting Constitutional Rights.He has thrown light to this topic by dividing his entire session into four parts.

Firstly,he emphasized that the Role of Bar and Bench is the sentinal of Fundamental Rights. He has mentioned the contributions as well as the valuable thoughts of Justice Desai in the Indian Judicial system.He recapitulate Justice Desai’s words: “Responsibility of the bar and bench before the constitution including the colonial times,was an extension of the law and order machinery”.Also he added that after the enactment of the Constitution ,the role of the judiciary became sentinel on alert of fundamental rights of people of India. Secondly, he explained that the Indian Judiciary had no experience implementing and enforcing the bill of Rights as Government of India Act 1935 had no such thing for common people.Further he stated that Court is the Temple of Justice and Temple of Truth.Thirdly,he unfolded the role of District Bar and Bench in India.” Every legal institution is an institution of justice .Promoting justice is the rule of entire legal system.Judges,Bar,Law students,Law teachers,Law colleges are part of judicial system and are obliged to promote justice“.He reminded that they are not courts of law but courts of justice and detailed the scope of Article 39A of Indian Constitution.Lastly, he highlighted, What is the practical way in which constitution is relevant to work for justice and how can it be applied?In conclusion he has pointed out various case laws including S.P. Gupta Vs.Union of India – a seven judge bench decision.Thus the whole session was interesting and informative.

On the occasion of Observance of Constitution Day,Kerala Law Academy legal aid clinic has published an E- Newspaper as a part of the Constitution Day celebration. The E-Newspaper was released in the presence of Mr.Justice C.S Dias and Dr. G Mohan Gopal .The E-Newspaper contains articles written by the students. This is the first E- Newspaper released by the legal aid clinic and services.This initiation was complimented by Mr.Justice C.S Dias , Dr. G Mohan Gopal and other dignitaries.

This auspicious day was blessed with the presence and participation of other eminent personalities like Sri.K.Sanil Kumar, Judge, Special Court, SPE/CBI and Chairman, Taluk legal Services Committee, Thiruvananthapuram, Smt.Mini.S.Das, District Judge In-Charge. Sri K.Vidyadharan, Secretary (Sub Judge), District Legal Services Authority, Thiruvananthapuram.