Orientation program conducted by Kerala Law Academy in aegis with District Legal Services  Authority was inaugurated

Inauguration of the 3-day orientation program ,conducted by Kerala Law Academy together with District Legal Services Authority , was organized on 26th January 2022. The program , witnessed by more than 300 participants consisting of law students and faculties,  was inaugurated virtually  by Mr. Vidyadharan, Sub judge, Secretary District Legal Services Authority , Thiruvananthapuram . Delivering the inaugural address sir invited the attention of the participants to the changes a law student can bring into the society and the importance of the legal aid clinics in law colleges.

Webinar was coordinated throughout by Gokul G.S ( Student) . The guests and gatherings were welcomed by Prof. Anil Kumar.G( Faculty,  Kerala Law Academy) and Prof. Manoj Krishnan ( Faculty,  Kerala Law Academy) imparted an awareness concerning fundamental rights. The end note of the session was marked by the vote of thanks of Adv. Arya Sunil Paul.