“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
A constituency in God’s Own Country has boldly ventured beyond its limits and is halfway through, achieving digital literacy in its educational institutions. The Kattakkada Constituency, located in the capital city of Kerala, epitomizes concerted action driven by humanity. Under the aegis of its legislator Adv. I.B. Satheesh, an accommodative, compassionate leader who has gone an extra mile to construe the current needs of the common people and meticulously converts ideas into actions, Kattakkada gained recognition for its rainwater conservation scheme called the ‘JALASAMRUDHI‘ Project, which was featured in the 2019 World Reconstruction Conference held in Geneva as a noble integrated model for water conservation.
Furthermore, the constituency was declared garbage-free in 2022 after successfully completing a month-long intensive waste disposal drive in collaboration with the Clean Kerala Company, an initiative of the Government of Kerala.

Recently, Kattakkada once again, captured the spotlight for its step ahead, in digital literacy. Now, the constituency shall be available at our fingertips via an app called ‘ARIYAM KATTAKKADA‘. The brainchild of Adv. I.B. Satheesh, developed by Mahesh A.R. which covers every nook-and-corner of Kattakkada, provides comprehensive information on schools, Government-regulated Institutions and offices, Land Revenue etc. The locations, photos, contacts and route-maps of the above mentioned are uploaded in the app to make things easier. It is of immense pride to Kattakkada that it is the first constituency in the state of Kerala to have such an app of its own. Check out Google Play Store to download the app.

Kattakkada is an exemplification of consistency in various spheres of service. Recently, it expanded its scheme ‘KOOTTU‘ involving an Anti-Drug Campaign along with the State Excise Department which includes the conduct of awareness classes and counselling sessions in Health Centres by doctors from several hospitals in the constituency. The OPPAM PROJECT, ‘CARBON-NEUTRAL KATTAKKADA‘, involving forest conservation and afforestation techniques and ‘KIDC‘, an employment generation scheme are other remarkable initiatives.
A conversation with Deputy Collector Mrs. Sheeja Beegom who has extensively involved in the development of Kattakkada gives a vital reminder that all these persistent endeavours intend to create a sustainable environment for the subsequent generations to dwell peacefully and an implicit message of preservation, on a hopeful note.
Thus, Kattakkada is indeed, a true paradigm of leadership and upliftment as well as a genuine reminder that we can redefine the possible.