Opportunity for Legal Professionals at Damodar Valley Corporation

Job vacancy for legal professionals at Damodar Valley Corporation for the roles of DGM (Law) , Manager (Law) and Sr. manger (Law).

Please refer to the Recruitment Notice No : PLR/2024/07 dtd.07/07/2024 and Subsequent detail advertisement No . PLR/Lateral/2024/07/06 Dated :18/07/2024, Eligibility condition for the post of (i) DGM (Law)-2024/17,(ii) Sr. manger (Law) -2024/18 and (iii) Manager (Law)-2024/19 will be considered as mentioned in detailed corrigendum available in recruitment Notices under career section at www.dvc.gov.in

Closing date of submission of online application : 02/02/2025

Interested candidates meeting the eligibility criteria have to register ONLINE and submit the application on the DVC website only. Any further information / Corrigendum/Amendment, etc. in this regard shall be made available at the DVC website

Executive Director (HR)

For & on behalf of DVC