Jeevitha Naipunya – Legal Awareness Program By District Probation Office Alappuzha & LJRF

LJRF Centre For Probation Reforms in association with  District Probation Office Alappuzha is  organizing a legal awareness program  in the prisons of Alappuzha on 2nd and 3rd of March 2022.

On 2nd March 2022, Adv. Rose Mariam Siby ( Member LJRF State Chapter) will deliver a lecture regarding ‘ Services And Schemes  Of Social Justice Department For Convicts , Ex- Convicts and Probationers , Victims and their Families ‘ and  Ms. Amina S.M( Member, LJRF  Centre For Probation Reforms) will advocate on ‘Probation Of Offenders Act 1958 And Its Benefits ‘.

On 3rd March 2022, Ms. Arya . V. Nair( Editor , LJRF Voice)  will give a talk  as to ‘ Right Of Prisoners’ and  Ms. Aksha Raj B ( Member, LJRF Centre For Probation Reforms) will deliver a presentation concerning ‘ Plea Bargaining And Parole’.

This legal awareness program ensure that education in prisons promotes self-reliance and autonomy among the imprisoned population  along with the end objective of enabling the prison population to reintegrate into society harmoniously.