Prestigious gift from Attorney General to Kerala University Campus

Kerala University, Karyavattom campus, will always be in debt to Attorney General Mr. KK Venugopal for enriching the library with the prestigious book, “Chisum On Patents”. Chisum On Patents, authored by Donald S. Chisum and published in 1978, comes in 54 volumes and is the most cited patent treatise.

The journey of the book to the university starts with a letter written by Dr. Sindhu Thulaseedharan, Head of the Department of Law, to the Attorney General as the cost of the book accounts for 12 lakhs, which is  way ahead of the annual budget of the university. Sindhu Thulaseedharan’s request to give the book in memory of the father of the Attorney General, Barrister, M.K. Nambiar

The Attorney General responds to the letter, confirming an order was placed for the books and quotes in the letter, “I hope the commentary will be put to good use by the students.” 

The books were airlifted to New Delhi and from there they were transmitted to Karyavattom Campus.
