Second Mar Gregorios National Moot Court Competition by Mar Gregorios College of Law Thiruvananthapuram!

About The Institution

Mar Gregorios College of Law is envisioned as a centre of excellence in Legal education. This college was established in 2012 in Mar Ivanios Vidyanagar campus paved way for another milestone. The institution offers integrated law courses like Ba. LL. B, BBA L L. B, B. Com LL. B along with LL. M in Constitutional Law.

About The Event

The second Mar Gregorios Moot Court Competition is an esteemed event which aims to foster the legal research and advocacy skills of participants. The competition stimulates real court proceedings which allow the participants to analyse complex legal issues and present arguments before a panel of judges. This competition also helps to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills which will prepare the students to face the challenges of legal practice.

Important Dates

Release of Memorials – September 11 2024

Date of Competition : 9-11 January 2025

Preliminary Oral Rounds ( online) – 9-10 November 2024

Final Registration – 10 December 2024

submission of Memorial ( Soft Copy) – 26 December 2024

submission of Memorials ( Hard Copy)- 30 December 2024


Memorials : Times new Roman, 12pt. 1.5 line spacing, ILI footnoting Style.

Footnotes : Times new Roman, 10 pt. Single spacing

Page Limit : Memorials must not exceed 35 pages including cover, index and annexures.


Preliminary Rounds ( online)

Final rounds ( Physical ) Mar gregorios College of Law, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.


  • Preliminary Registration deadline- October 15 2024
  • Preliminary Registration Fee : ₹2000
  • Final registration Fee (for selected Teams): ₹3000


  • Total prize worth ₹1,00,000 including awards for best memorial, Best advocate, Best researcher and more.

To know more about the competition, click on this link or view the pdf below:

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