Social work meaning, definitions and methods

Social work is an academic discipline and practice based profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups, communities and society as a whole in an effort to meet basic needs and enhance social functioning, self-determination, collective responsibility and overall well being. Social functioning defines the ability of an individual to perform their social roles within themselves, their immediate social environment, and the society at large. The social work industry developed in the 19th century, with some of its roots in voluntary philanthropy and grassroots organizing, however responses to social needs existed long before then, primarily from public alms-houses, private charities and religious organisations. The effects of the industrial revolution and the great depression of the 1930s placed pressure on social work to become a more defined discipline.


In ancient times the poor, the handicapped and the weak were looked after by joint families, communities, and caste and religious institutions. But with the process of development and expansion and urbanisation and the growth of industrialisation, the ancient social security and welfare system started changing its role in relation to these needy individuals. The industrial revolution created problems that were different in types and were threatening to society having social and political significance. Malfunctioning appeared in the area of interaction between individuals, families, groups, and their environment. These problems compelled society to create social; welfare agencies. Later on when it was observed that these problem required scientific outlook for proper and permanent solution, a new system of scientific assistance came into existence, i.e social work unlike an early charity practice, attempts to help the individuals, groups, and communities to get clear insight into the problems that strengthens their ego to face conditions as reality and then try to improve them. At the same time social work attempts to mobilize social forces to resolve that social and economic situation that lead to ill health, mental suffering, frustration and social behaviour. To make the concept of social work more clear, some the important definitions given by various authors are quoted here


According to the international federation of social work “Social work is the practice based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work.”

Friedlander (1955) social work is a professional service, based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relations, which assists individuals, alone or in groups, to obtain social and personal satisfaction and independence.

Konopka (1958) social work is an entity representing three clearly distinguished but interrelated parts: a network of social services, carefully developed methods and process and social policy expressed through social institutions and individuals. All three are based on a view of human beings, their interrelationships and the ethical demands made on them.

Stroup (1960) social work is the art of bringing various resources bear of individual, group, and community needs by the application of scientific method of helping people to help themselves


Social work methods are methods that social workers use to help people of all ages and from various sections of society to enhance their social functioning and to cope more effectively with their problems. Social workers don’t pick and choose what problems and issues they would like to address. A method is well understood to be an orderly way of procedure and therefore it is always carried out towards achievement of a specific aim. Social work methods are methods that social workers use to help people of all ages and from various sections of society to enhance their social functioning and cope more effectively with their problems.

There are two major classifications in social work methods they are


Social case work

Social case work is the method employed by social workers to help individuals find solutions to problems of social adjustment that are difficult for individuals to negative on their own.

“ Mary Ellen Richmond : social case work consist of those processes which develop personality through adjustments consciously effected, individual by individual, between men and their social environment “

Social group work

Group work is a method of working with people in groups. A group can be made up of two or more people. Group work is an approach aimed at personal growth, enhancement of social functioning, and for the achievements of socially desirable goals.

“Social group work that helps persons to enhance their functioning through purposeful group experiences and to cope more effectively with their personal, group or community problems Marjorie murphy, (1959)”

Community organisation

Community organisation viewed from a humanitarian approach is meant to solve the problems of the community as old as society itself. Community organisation covers a series of activities at the community level aimed at bringing about desired improvement in the social wellbeing of individuals, groups and neighbourhoods.

Murphy and Cunningham (2003) have defined “community organisations as the systematic process for mobilizing and advocating by using communal power.”


Social action

Social action has been used to signify a wide range of primary voluntary initiative to bring out change in social systems, processes and even structure. Social workers, more often than not, have divergent opinion about the scope and relevance of social action. This ambiguity has even accelerated the debate whether to recognize social action as a method of professional social work.

“Nanawati (1965) considered social action as a process of bringing about the desired changes by deliberate group and community efforts. Social action does not end with the enactment and signing of social legislation, but that the execution of the polices was the real test of success or failure of social action”

Social welfare administration

Social welfare administration is a process by which we apply professional competence to achieve certain goals. It is called a process of transforming social policy into social action. It involves the administration of government and nongovernment agencies.

“Herleigh tracker (1971) interprets social welfare administration as a process of working with people in ways that release and relate their energies so that they use available resources to accomplish the purpose of providing needed community services and programmes.”

Social work research

Social work research is the application of research methods to the production of knowledge that social workers need to solve problems they confront in the practice of social work

“G R Mandan says social work research is the systematic critical investigation of questions in the social welfare field with the purpose of yielding answers to problems of social work and of extension.


Social work is a profession that works for the betterment of society. It promotes well being by empowering clients, families or groups. Social workers deal with clients, families or groups from diverse backgrounds and social inequalities.

Author :

Aghila T U,

Msw graduated,

Yeldo Mar baselios college kothamangalam.