Trivandrum DLSA, the 2nd best District Legal Services Authority in Kerala

Trivandrum District Legal Services Authority is selected as the second-best District Legal Services Authority in Kerala for the year 2022 . Kozhikode bagged first place. The awards were announced at a function held at  Ernakulam by the  Kerala Legal Services Authority and the awards were received from the Executive Chairman Justice K Vinod Chandran by Thiruvananthapuram Legal Services Authority Chairman and District Judge P. V. Balakrishnan and Saritha Raveendran, Secretary and Sub-Judge.

State Legal Services Authority, District Legal Services Authority, and Taluka OR Sub Division Legal Services Committees have been assigned the task of providing free legal services to eligible persons and organizing Lok Adalat for the amicable settlement of disputes.

Eligible persons for free legal services include persons whose annual income does not exceed Rs.30,000/-, women and children irrespective of economic status, members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Disabled Persons, Industrial workmen, victims of mass disaster, violence, floods, droughts, earthquake, industrial violence and victims of trafficking in human being or beggar.

Any eligible person can approach or write to the Legal Services Authority at the state or Taluk/Sub Division Level with details of a Legal case or dispute or any other Legal matter covered under this program and make a request for justice if the case is accepted, the case of the victim will be taken up in the concerned court for which all expenses including the fees of the advocate will be borne by the authority. Cases may also be referred to Lok Adalat for quicker justice. In either situation, the victim will get justice free of any charges.

The award is a true reward for the consistent efforts among needy people to spread legal awareness and provide legal services among them. Providing solutions to those hundreds of cases pending at Lok Adalat, supporting Scheduled Tribe students to attend entrance exams and join law colleges, conducting anti-drug campaigns at schools across the district, and rehabilitation of mentally disordered at the Trivandrum Mental Health Hospital. Specialized Legal Aid Clinic for the physically disabled at the Disabled Commissionerate, works to make two villages in the district litigation less, and legal awareness about domestic violence among housewives were some of the best projects under the Trivandrum Legal Services Authority. Victims of different crimes, including POCSO cases, were compensated with almost one crore rupees under the scheme.

Secretary to the District Legal Services Authority in Thiruvananthapuram for the year 2022 was Sri K. Vidhyadharan who is currently the Chief Judicial Magistrate at Thiruvananthapuram.